Stella’s Odyssey • The Allagash Tails Collections • Volume 13

by Tim Caverly Illustrated by Franklin Manzo, Jr. HOW "GOOD" IS GOOD ADVICE? Have you ever followed someone’s advice and regretted it? At the suggestion of Bart the Raven, Stella…[...]
by Tim Caverly Illustrated by Franklin Manzo, Jr. HOW "GOOD" IS GOOD ADVICE? Have you ever followed someone’s advice and regretted it? At the suggestion of Bart the Raven, Stella…[...]
by Tim Caverly Illustrations by Franklin Manzo, Jr NOW IN ITS SECOND EDITION! Andy -- What A Moose, ayuh! Sometimes surprises can go two ways! The story is about a…[...]
by Tim Caverly Illustrations by Franklin Manzo, Jr A collection of tall tails for the whole family. Perfect to be read around the campfire or when tucking the little campers…[...]
Animal Antics from our Nation's Premiere Wild and Scenic River-the Allagash by Tim Caverly Illustrations by Franklin Manzo, Jr Who was Henry David Thoreau anyway? Ever since Henry David…[...]