An Allagash Haunting: The Story of Emile Camile — An Allagash Tail – Volume 2

Book 1 in the North Maine Woods Trilogy (Olivia's Journey) of The Allagash Tails Collection by Tim Caverly Illustrations by Franklin Manzo, Jr "A damping cloak of darkness approaches .…[...]

Wilderness Ranger’s Journal: Rendezvous at Devil’s Elbow — An Allagash Tail – Volume 4

Book 2 in the North Maine Woods Trilogy (Olivia's Journey) of The Allagash Tails Collection by Tim Caverly Illustrations by Franklin Manzo, Jr In the dark of night there is…[...]

The Headless Ghost Boy of Little Geronimo

by Shelley Bingham Husk inspired by the story "The Boy" which originally appeared in short story form in Ghost Stories of Texas by Ed Syers Now a novel for young…[...]

The Ghost of Little Elm Lake — True Ghost Story

by Shelley Bingham Husk Book One of the Apparitions of America Series Young Adult-Juvenile Paranormal / Ghost Story / True “They say in the woods by the Little Elm Lake,…[...]

The Hand of Glory

By Stephen Carter Illustrated by Galen Dara Book 1 of The Harrowed Valley Hauntings It's Here!   Thou shalt honor thy ancestors. Unless they are trying to kill thee. Moving…[...]